Element: Earth

Sign: 1st decan of Virgo

Planet: Sun

Tree of Life: Hod

Light: patience, long-term planning, investment

Shadow: impatience, forcing a natural process

Lord of Prudence

The Eight of Disks is also known as the Lord of Prudence. This title is derived from the card’s association with careful planning, patience, and long-term investment. It suggests a time of careful cultivation and nurturing of resources, with an eye towards future growth and prosperity. The Eight of Disks reminds us that success often comes to those who plan carefully, invest wisely, and have the patience to wait for their efforts to bear fruit.

Joe’s Divine Guidance - Eight of Disks in a Tarot Reading



The Eight of Disks in the upright position signifies a time of careful planning and patient investment. It suggests a period of careful cultivation of resources, with an eye towards future growth and prosperity. This card encourages you to plan carefully, invest wisely, and have the patience to wait for your efforts to bear fruit.

In its reversed form, the Eight of Disks may indicate a lack of planning or impatience with the pace of progress. It suggests a need for more careful planning and patience. This card warns against hasty decisions and encourages you to take the time to plan carefully and patiently wait for your efforts to bear fruit.

Mystical Symbolism - Eight of Disks Thoth

Image of the Eight of Disks in the Thoth tarot deck.

Large Tree: The prominent and abundant tree represents growth, stability, and a solid foundation.


Eight Flowers: The eight flowers symbolize the fruits of labor and patience, representing the tangible rewards that come from dedicated effort.


Five Petals: Each flower showcases five petals and five swirls within, reminiscent of the moving elements seen in the center of the Ace of Disks. This combination of five and eight signifies the passage of time required for something to come to fruition.


Mountains in the Background: The mountains in the background symbolize support and stability, indicating that the journey to success is not a solitary one but is bolstered by various external factors.

Tree of Life: Hod and the Eight of Disks

The Eight of Disks is linked with Hod on the Tree of Life. Hod represents glory and splendor, and it signifies intellect and communication. In the context of the Eight of Disks, this card embodies the careful planning, patient investment, and long-term vision that are necessary for success. This card serves as a reminder to plan carefully, invest wisely, and have the patience to wait for your efforts to bear fruit.

Astrology Insights

The Eight of Disks in the Thoth Tarot is associated with the Sun in the sign of Virgo. The Sun is the planet of vitality, energy, and life, and Virgo is a sign associated with careful planning, attention to detail, and practicality. This combination suggests a time of careful cultivation and nurturing of resources, with an eye towards future growth and prosperity. It encourages you to plan carefully, invest wisely, and have the patience to wait for your efforts to bear fruit.
