Element: Earth

Sign: 3. decan  of Virgo

Planet: Venus

Tree of Life: Yesod

Light: material success, prosperity, abundance

Shadow: selfishness, distraction by material things

Lord of Material Gain

The Nine of Disks, belonging to the suit of disks, is also known as the Lord of Material Gain, representing material success, prosperity, and abundance. The card represents the accumulation of wealth and the satisfaction that comes from seeing the fruits of one’s labor.


The Nine of Disks serves as a reminder that material success is often a result of hard work, perseverance, and wise decisions.

Joe’s Divine Guidance - Nine of Disks in a Tarot Reading



The Nine of Disks in the upright position signifies material success, prosperity, and financial security. It suggests a time of abundance where you are reaping the rewards of your hard work and wise decisions. This card encourages you to enjoy your success but also to remember the effort it took to get there.

In its reversed form, the Nine of Disks may indicate a loss or setback in your financial situation. It suggests a time of financial instability or a period where you may be questioning your decisions. This card serves as a warning to be mindful of your spending and to make wise financial decisions.

Mystical Symbolism - Nine of Disks Thoth

Image of the Nine of Disks in the Thoth tarot deck.

Nine Disks: The nine disks grouped in sets of three represent the accumulation of wealth and the satisfaction that comes from seeing the fruits of one’s labor.



Ten Rays: The ten strong rays emanating from the middle of the card symbolize the potential of this energy. It suggests that you have the power to achieve anything you want in the material world.



3 Central Disks: Blue signifies wisdom, pink represents love, and green symbolizes creativity.


6 Outer Disks: Top 3 masculine coins include Saturn (discipline), Mars (energy), and Jupiter (openness). Bottom 3 feminine coins include Mercury (communication), Venus (following the heart), and the Moon (trust instincts)

Tree of Life: Yesod and the Nine of Disks

The Nine of Disks is linked with Yesod on the Tree of Life. Yesod represents the foundation and the connection between the divine consciousness and our individual awareness. In the context of the Nine of Disks, this card embodies the manifestation of material success and prosperity. This card serves as a reminder to appreciate your material success but also to remember the effort it took to achieve it.

Astrology Insights

The Nine of Disks in the Thoth Tarot is associated with Venus in the 3rd decan of Virgo. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, and Virgo is a sign associated with practicality and hard work. This combination suggests a deep connection between love and work, indicating that success often comes from doing what you love. It also suggests that hard work and practical decisions can lead to material success and prosperity.
