The Thoth Tarot, a divinatory tarot deck painted by Lady Frieda Harris under the guidance of Aleister Crowley, is a rich and intricate system of symbolism. One of the key components of this deck is the Suit of Swords, which represents the element of Air and is associated with our intellect, communication, and decision-making.

The Elemental Connection: Air

In the Thoth Tarot, the Suit of Swords corresponds to the element of Air, symbolizing intellect, communication, and reason. Air is an element of movement and change, capable of both creation and destruction. It represents our ability to think, communicate, and make decisions. Each card in the Suit of Swords encapsulates a different aspect of this airy energy, from the initial spark of an idea to the resolution of a conflict.

The Cards of the Suit of Swords

The Suit of Swords in the Thoth Tarot consists of ten numbered cards (Ace through Ten) and four court cards (Knight, Queen, Prince, and Princess). Each card represents a different stage or aspect of the intellect and reason represented by the Suit of Swords.

Numbered Cards

The Ace of Swords embodies pure intellectual energy, signifying clarity, truth, and the inception of thought.

The Two of Swords signifies balanced thoughts, choices, and possibly, indecision.

The Three of Swords represents sorrow, heartbreak, and emotional pain.

The Four of Swords symbolizes rest, recuperation, and taking a break from conflicts.

The Five of Swords indicates conflict, defeat, and betrayal.

The Six of Swords signifies transition, moving on, and finding a better situation.

The Seven of Swords represents strategy, deception, and possibly, betrayal.

The Eight of Swords embodies restriction, limitation, and feeling trapped by thoughts.

The Nine of Swords signifies worry, anxiety, and sleepless nights.

The Ten of Swords represents overwhelming thoughts, a painful ending, or hitting rock bottom.

Court Cards

The Knight of Swords, for instance, represents the fiery part of Air, embodying assertiveness, quick thinking, and often impulsiveness.

The Queen of Swords represents the watery part of Air, symbolizing discernment, clarity, and an intuitive approach to problems.

The Prince of Swords represents the airy part of Air, symbolizing analytical thought, intellectual exploration, and clear communication.

The Princess of Swords embodies the grounded aspect of Air, highlighting vigilance, keen observation, and a readiness to act on thoughts.

The Role of the Suit of Swords in Divination

In a tarot reading, the cards from the Suit of Swords often point to issues related to our intellect, communication, and decision-making. They can indicate our thoughts and ideas, our conversations, and the decisions we are making or need to make. They can also highlight potential challenges, such as conflict, misunderstanding, or indecision.


Understanding the complex symbolism of the Suit of Swords in the Thoth Tarot can provide valuable insights into our lives. By contemplating these cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own intellect and communication, and how we can best use them to create the changes we desire in our lives.

Astrology Insights

The Suit of Swords is associated with the air signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These signs are known for their intellectual depth, communication skills, and ability to reason. They are deeply in tune with their thoughts and ideas, and they are often drawn to intellectual pursuits and meaningful conversations. 


They embody the spirit of inquiry and curiosity, and they are not afraid to question and analyze. Their intellectual energy is a perfect match for the Suit of Swords, which is all about intellect, communication, and decision-making.